Catholic Women's League
Catholic Women's League (CWL) is a Eucharistic community of women within the Catholic Church. CWL works across all levels of sociaty - local, state, national and international - and provides a voice for Catholic Women in the Church and society by:
addressing social and moral issues affecting family life, particularly of women and children
Promoting family values and equality for all, in the areas of health, education and social welfare.
Working collaboratively with the Church leader to fulful the mission of the Church, especially in areas of social justice.
CWL has been active in Sydney for over 90 years and through CWLA is a member of the World Union of Catholic Women''s Organisation (WUCWO) which has a membership of more than 20 million women from 90 countries.
Benefits of membership:
Women of all ages can join CWL. You can be a parish of Diocesan Member. As an organisation, CWL focuses on the current needs of our ever-changing society.
CWL membership offers women an opportunity to meet socially with other women through branch meetings, discussion and activity groups, retreat days, conferences and luncheons and provides and avenue for women to make a real and lasting difference in our church and world.
The Dapto CWL meet once a month in the parish meeting room and interested women are invited to attend. For more information please contact the parish office.
Illustration by Helen Cook.